Psychics Authentic, USA - Helping you to believe in psychics again! Let us be your new and final psychic network!

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Calling us - When you call our company for a Psychic Reading (and this is applicable to our PhoneDate (and Adult Network) clients as well) you will NOT need to divulge information for purposes other than your reading (or meeting someone on PhoneDate or our Adult Network). If you choose to dial into the 1-800 or 1-888 psychic line or 1-800, 1-888 Adult line, which is a new feature many have been requesting, you will either need a credit card or checking account for access. Your name, address, and account information will NEVER be sold, rented, or otherwise distributed to outside parties. We take your privacy 100% seriously and want you to know that!

PSYCHIC CALLERS: Depending upon what sort of reading, the psychic may ask your name, birthday, and may tell you very personal and highly sensitive matter about yourself. This is normal and to be expected. You have the right to not divulge information or verification as to what our psychic may reveal to you, though. Depending upon the rapport you gain with the psychic, will reflect your comfort in acknowledging that what s/he has just said to be true. PRIVACY POLICY maintains, however, that is UP TO YOU! (Example: Psychic just tells you about your child getting an "F" in Math and you are embarrassed by this. You do NOT have to acknowledge it.) This is an UPLIFTING, INSIGHTFUL, and AWAKENING time for you! You never have to say anything you are uncomfortable saying. Speak with your psychic as s/he goes along and let them know, so THEY can better serve YOU!

[PARTNER] PhoneDate, USA clients: We cannot verify the character of the person you meet and there is no way for us to do so. In this spirit we recommend using common sense and exercising caution if you decide to meet in person. Most people, we believe, are considerate and respectful, but there are a few who are not. Remember, do not reveal anything to a stranger you are not prepared for.

[PARTNER] ADULT NETWORK: The girl(s) you speak with do not know you. They will not know your name or address unless you divulge it. Rest assured your anonymity is 100% this is our business. If you are not the only one in your household with access to your phone bill and it may pose a problem, we recommend you use the credit card billing or check option.

Requesting your carrying cards:  Your name and address will never be used for anything other than the purpose you describe on the form; ie, Psychic Card or PhoneDate Card. Your name (and/or address) will NOT (we're talking NEVER) be divulged or sold to other mailing companies. You must be aware however, that the form is NOT on a secure server so it is *possible* that sysadmins with nothing better to do than watch forms being sent could see your name and address, BUT rest assured, that this is NO more risky than sending an e-mail without PGP or other encryption. Because it's only your name (or an alias if you choose to send it that way) and an address, it's unlikely they'd know what to do with the information if they *did* see it.

Browsing the website:  Browsing this (or mirror sites) you may have at times noticed various counters or trackers. Our privacy policy here is simple: We don't know who are you and unless you attempt malicious damage to the system we'll never know. The statistics we collect are simply for the purposes of aggregate collection and advertising honing and not used to identify any one person. We do not report habits of surfing to any 3rd party nor do we share anything else about you to any 3rd party. Be aware that links from this website to other sites have content that is not under our control. They may have completely different policies that you may need to familiarize yourself with.

Children (COPPA):  We do not knowingly collect information from children under the age of 13. We do not solicit information from children under the age of 13. We require that all people requesting cards from us be at least 18 years old. If you are a parent and have questions regarding this policy please email us.

Email Policy: Your email will never be sold, distributed, rented, or placed outside of our internal system. We are vehement opponents of spam and unsolicited email advertisements. If you give us your email address, be aware you will not be signing up for any lists unless you have specifically requested and further, that we collect IP addresses in order to detect malicious users from offering your email address as a form of harassment. If you have a problem or think something is originating from someone or an entity claiming to be Psychics Authentic, USA  do not hesitate to contact us!  In addition, please see this educational article from Kathi McManus on the origination of emails. It opens in a new window!

Thank-you for reading the privacy policy!
Email with any questions or concerns.


Let us help you believe in psychics again!
Since 1995, Psychics Authentic has changed the way people have been perceiving psychic advertisements. Bringing to light some of the more popular hooks some other networks entice you with, we continue to pride ourselves on quality psychic advice even at the risk of not being a commercially known household name. Our budget is not spent on expensive infomercials and paid endorsements but on bringing to you some of the finest and gifted psychics ever. With this philosophy in mind we will continue to bring you nothing but 100% quality psychic guidance and nurturing. Our extensive customer base of repeat clients tells us our philosophy is working. Call us today and let us be your final psychic network.

Live Psychics Standing By 24 hours a day 7 days a week! Call right now!

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Since July 29, 2001. Bookmark this site to return OR request your own personal number on a convenient-to-carry card through the postal mail, marked personal and confidential by clicking here. [You will not be solicited by Psychics Authentic, USA, PhoneDate, USA, or anyone else that may be affiliated with us.] Copyright© 1997-2006. Psychics Authentic, USA. All rights reserved. Last reviewed for accuracy or updated February 26, 2006 .Thanks for visiting! We hope you're enlightened even if you don't choose our services at this time.